Antoine Tesquier Tedeschi featured on French TV

Hu2 Design Founder Antoine Tesquier Tedeschi was featured on the French TV channel NRJ12 during the show " Tellement People "
Presented by Clara Morgan, the show was featuring his friend Damien Fourgeaud, from Surfer Deluxe.
Damien is a French designer who has worked for the biggest brands such as, Dior, Quiksilver, O'Neil, Riva etc...

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Hu2 Design on Creative Review


狼の牙's feedback on Hu2's Mickey House.

"In English, my cat's name is Myoga. It is a type of Japanese ginger that is very strong in taste. In fact, some say that too much myoga will make you crazy! She's a "modern Siamese" which is actually quite an intelligent cat and she was moderately fooled by the mouse house!"

Thanks 狼の牙 for this amazing shot, and needless to say, we'd love to see more of these. You heard me people, grab your camera and post us some more gems ;)
